Hose Technician

When the nature of the business demands the machinery up and running with minimal downtime, we understand.

Whether it’s an installation or a breakdown, we’re here to help.

Motus Hydraulics has an extensive history of working with hose technicians all over the country, supplying super fast delivery and amazing customer service to help ease the pressure. Whether you’re involved in mining, agriculture, transport, forestry, the machine industry or any industry that requires fast and effective hydraulic ram demands, Motus will help you get the job done quicker no matter what pressure you’re under.

Motus provides a damaged ram replacement service

A simple and easy solution for hose technicians. Simply send the damaged ram to Motus and we’ll measure and make you a new one… we can even reuse the mounting points from the damaged ram to save you time!

Choose an ‘off-the-shelf’ Easyram

The quick and easy way to get a standard ram. Spoilt for choice there is more than 150 sizes to choose from and 5 mounting styles, EasyRam is the most cost effective solution for hose technicians in a hurry.

Call Motus to discuss your needs